Is God Really Enough?
Is God really enough? Yana opens up and shares a heartfelt experience. She soon realized all the ways that God was working in her life for good.
Subscribe to watchYana Conner
Writer | Bible Teacher
Yana is a proud St. Louis native residing in Durham, NC. She grew up in the church but didn’t encounter God’s love and grace until her junior year of college. The good news of God’s love and radical acceptance completely changed the trajectory of her life. By God’s grace, She has served in full-time ministry for the past fifteen years in both the para-church and church context. In 2019, she graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master in Divinity in Christian Ministry. Through teaching, writing, and disciple-making, Yana desire to curate content that will help others think well and exchange a secular worldview for a biblical one. She has done this through a blog series called The Miseducation of Music, providing theological training and consultation on race and unity to churches and organizations and walking alongside women through anxiety, depression, and harmful patterns of sin. You can also find her writings on platforms such as Gospel-Centered Discipleship and The Jude 3 Project. She also wrote The Jude 3 Project’s black apologetic’s curriculum Through The Eyes of Color. All that being said, Yana is quite regular. She enjoys spending quality time with her friends, a good belly laugh, soul-stirring books, and yummy tacos. She’s just a girl seeking to walk daily with her Father.
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