Dawan Hill

0 Course
10 Stories

Meet Dawan,

With 20 years of discipling, developing, empowering, and directing all to the realization and actualization of their God-ordained purpose, DaWan Hill continues to live out her call to the outcast, neglected, abused, and rejected. With a ministry focus on youth, young adults, and women, DaWan uses the call of God on her life to passionately ignite the gifts of God in those she ministers to. Obtaining a degree in Pastoral Care from Oral Roberts University, DaWan's educational background is one that has equipped her to serve in her current role as Campus Pastor at the Potter's House of Denver. If one thing could be described as DaWan Hill's life and ministerial intention it would be this- uncover the wings of every person unaware of their ability to fly and, by using her own wings, teach them to soar.

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